‘Student life is not always the party people might think it is. I can’t think of a service that does so much for so little, but even that little needs to come from…somewhere.’

Stephen Fry.

Lancaster Nightline is run by students for students, and therefore we rely on a team of dedicated student volunteers to keep the service running. All volunteers go through a comprehensive training program before becoming enrolled in the service. Training is a great experience and a fantastic chance to meet new people and make new friends.

Perhaps you can help us?

This is an exciting opportunity to join a unique society; it is a chance for you to volunteer for a service that is highly valued by the student body. We hold training sessions towards the start of every term.
You do not need any prior experience to apply; you only need to be a current student at Lancaster University!
We have two different ways in which you can volunteer with us. You can either:

Volunteer to be a Call Taker

You have the opportunity to join our call-taking team. This is an anonymous role which will require you to commit to three/four night shifts per term, and will primarily involve answering calls, instant messages and emails between 10pm and 8am. For more details about this position, please email nladm@lancaster.ac.uk.

Applications for new volunteers for Summer Term 2023 are now closed! If you would like to become a volunteer, register your interest here to be notified when applications open.

Or Volunteer with our Publicity Team

We are also offering the opportunity to be part of our publicity team. We are looking for enthusiastic and innovative students to help us publicise Lancaster Nightline across campus, and bring the service to the forefront of student life.

This role is non-anonymous, and is about increasing Nightline’s presence on campus and student awareness of Lancaster Nightline’s valuable service. The main responsibility of the role is to keep the Lancaster Nightline name known within the University Campus; this will be achieved by working as a team to invent novel techniques to publicise the service at freshers fair, awareness events, and other cross-campus events.

For more details about this position and to apply, please email nladm@lancaster.ac.uk!


Need even more of an incentive?

Volunteering with Lancaster Nightline counts towards the Lancaster Award.
